How Lasik Surgery Works to Remove Some, But Not All, Eye Problems

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Eye surgery, also called ocular surgery, is a surgical surgery performed on the eye, or more typically its adnexa, usually by an optometrist. The eye is such a delicate organ, and needs extreme care prior, during, and immediately after a surgical procedure. Complications may arise at any time, although complications that can occur in the eye are rare. Complications in the eye are usually due to problems with the cornea, the transparent covering of the eye. Corneal aberrations are irregularities in the shape or size of the cornea, either in length or angle. These aberrations can be caused by trauma, surgery, allergy, dry eye, or disease.

Eye surgery is divided into two main categories. One category is performed under general anesthesia, while the other category is performed using local or localized anesthesia. General anesthesia is used for surgery involving the eye, while local anesthesia is used for surgical procedures involving the eye only. Before a patient is scheduled for surgery either under general or local anesthesia, he must meet certain criteria that will be discussed in this main article.

To begin with, the lasik las vegas physician will monitor the vital signs of the patient before administering either general anesthesia or local anesthesia. This will include taking blood pressure, performing a standard physical exam, electrocardiogram, and providing the patient with a prescription for an anti-anxiety medication if needed. Generally, eye surgeries that require general anesthesia are often monitored by cardiopulmonary monitors. Once these are administered, the physician anesthetist will then give the patient the required doses of anesthesia.

After the eye surgery is completed, a recovery period will occur. Recovery depends on the type of surgical procedure that was performed. Typically, a patient will be given a prescription for pain medication after surgery to ensure that he does not have a reaction to the anesthetic. He will also be given instructions on how to care for his eyes and what to expect afterward. While recovering from laser eye surgery, the las vegas glaucoma physician will monitor the patient's eyes for any signs of redness, irritation, or infections. If these appear, additional antibiotics may be prescribed to help treat them.

Recovery from laser eye surgery can take anywhere from one to three days. Depending on how much tissue was removed, the patient may have a small amount of discomfort following the procedure. This is usually temporary and will subside within a day or two. Swelling, soreness, and bruising are also expected to occur in the weeks after surgery. These will decrease over time as the body heals.

Overcorrections or undercorrections are something that every patient experiences. Lasik eye surgery does not fix or correct vision problems; it simply alters the way that the eyes see. While removing too much tissue may change the way that a person sees, it does not mean that they will lose their vision entirely. Most patients retain their ability to see things at night, see color, and recognize general shapes. Whether a person has cataracts, macular degeneration, or hyperopia/myopia, they can be helped with laser surgery to correct these issues. Here is a post with a general information about this topic: